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Safety of AI

Artificial Intelligence is known as the same as a human mind. Specifically, it is a fast, clean way to think properly on the answers. An artificial intelligence has a software in his base. This little word is everything that includes the programs that a robot or a computer needs to create a response to a problem. With it, they try to maximize the chances of being successful or getting a ninety-nine percent of achievement.

Stuart Russell is a scientist that contributes a lot to AI. In one of his debates, he states that one day the robots/computers will have already read all the books that man wrote. In that way, we can consider that the AI will have better choices than a simple human being. He completes with the fact that a man would be invencible if he had access to the whole intelligence. He uses the example of gorilla's. Those animals made us more intelligent, and then we are killing them or even treating them bad. It's a way of thinking of the question "Is AI going to destroy human race?". For Stuart Russell the answer is a simple no. One interesting fact is that he is trying to fight the same old definition of AI. For it, he uses three examples but the first one is the most important:

"The robot's only objective is to maximize the realization of human values". In this hand, we can't be afraid of being dominated by a simple intelligence that we created. We should care about the help that a robot is giving to us, and not the problems that it may cause.

Now, I will give attention to Max Tegmark - is a cosmologist and studys in the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He tries to tell people how to not get dominated or overpowered by the AI.

At a point, he tells the same as Stuart Russell: if we use the technology to the good, we only have benefits. We will get more profit and probably, we will conquer the dreams of the ancestors. To begin the real talk, he wonders how our trip to the future will be? Humanity is paving a path to it, even though they don't notice it. In my opinion, suggesting this is a little bit dangerous. People are creating new forms of AI. At the first, we can't calculate the results, we just have to wait and see what is going to happen. We might be worried about being surpassed by a computer and getting to the unemployment line is not what we want. Certainly , losing our job to a computer that does the same work as we do, and faster, it's painful. Max notes that we can build a brighter future if we win the race. For example, the topic of his debate (How not to get overpowered?).

With this, we can understand why we have scientist doing this and studying it, in a way that we become better people


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