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When we look back to the past decades, we can see that the world has been evolving in an

astonishing way regarding technology. One of the most controversial topics is artificial intelligence. The opinions about this subject are very divergent. There is hardly no concordance about what the advantages and disadvantages of it are.

On the one hand, artificial intelligence brings up many functionalities to our society. For example, it enables companies to invest in targeted advertising in social media which not

only benefits the companies who spend less money on advertising and reach more people that

are really interested in their products but also benefits the consumer, who receives advertisement on what he is willing to purchase instead of products he would never get and he would see them just as annoying SPAM. Moreover, artificial intelligence can improve the productivity and safety of workers in many areas, from pharmaceutical labs to the police. For example, in a countermine operation, the specialists do not need to get close to the mine in order to deactivate it. They simply send there a remote-controlled robot, improving their safety.

On the other hand, many people among the scientific community express their concerns about not only unemployment but also the safety of humankind. There are those who state that artificial intelligence will end up in a robot revolution where they will rise against humankind because they will become intelligent enough to understand they are being enslaved by humans.

Summing up, it is important to be careful with artificial intelligence evolution so the robots do not get too smart because that may be dangerous. It is also important to create new jobs for people who get unemployed. If this is taken into consideration, artificial intelligence may become a useful tool or humanity.


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