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Philosophy and Ethic

On an ethical and moral level, there are also various theories on this point.

Several questions are asked about this theme, such as: "Can a machine have a mind,

consciousness, and mental states in exactly the same sense as humans have?"; "Are intelligent machines dangerous?" among others.

My view is that, technological machines can be very useful if they are used

rationally. However, I think that machines will never be able to think as a human being

regarding ethical and philosophical questions, since they are only able to follow their

programming code. They have no critical thinking because they are only programmed react to practical and predicted situations. They have no feelings and sensitivity, then their

decisions are only made based on the code.

For me, a machine is not a substitute for a whole human being, it can only facilitate the

work, where ethics does not intervene.

On the other hand, machines can be extremely dangerous and ineffective. For example, a

particular robot can be programmed for a certain situation. However, the uncontrolled robot

can be very frequent and very harmful since the damage can be huge and the damage too.

Another fact is that if the machines are very “smart” they can act against the builder or owner

himself and that may become a menace to the world.

Amongst the scientific community there are many important statements in what concerns

the philosophical capability of the machines in the future. For example, Turing, which is a

computer scientist, says that “ If a machine behaves as intelligently as a human being, then it

is as intelligent as a human being” and Hobbes, which is a mathematician and philosopher,

tells us that "For 'reason' ; ... is nothing but 'reckoning' that is adding and subtracting, of the

consequences of general names agreed upon for the 'marking' and 'signifying' of our


For me machines / robots should only be usable when they do not influence / steal / hurt the

human species and all its capabilities for the evolution of the planet.


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