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Making this video for everyone to see was a little bit complicated. Artificial Intelligence is a topic that surrounds the world nowadays and scares many people. So, we have to admit that this topic was not easy and we took it as a challenge - and we hope we issued it in the right way. Searching for new things, trying to understand where did it all began was quite interesting but, you see, it's quite difficult when we have lots of information everywhere. The best part was when we could stop a little and breathe - even though everyone knows that we left everything to the last day. In summary, it was good to work together and to laugh at our mistakes but it is something that we know for sure, that we don't want to do it again. So, I hope you like the video and the content and never forget to ask us questions! Send love to J-bot!

Click here to watch the video:

Video: Introdução
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