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How to get empowered

Atualizado: 11 de jan. de 2020

When we think about which fields Artificial Intelligence could be helpful, we may think about technology. But is it the only field where it can help?

If we think forward we will get to one important point: health. So, how can we connect these two pictures into one? Well, that is quite easy to a certain extent but difficult too. The development of technology will help with some machines in the hospital. Making other utensils more efficient and facilitating the job of the doctors involved in a surgery. One of the biggest achievements of history is the heart transplant. This heart substitutes the real heart for months. It was said that if someone was dying - and, of course, waiting for a new heart - the arrival of the heart would took so much time and would cost millions of dollars/euros to the family (or even to the person). It is a complex and risky surgery to do, but it had some success - it is about ninety percent. In Portugal, 20-30 people wait for a heart, and with this new invention, 6 persons can enjoy this new object. But we can't forget that this Intelligence just works in certain cases. It is like programming a robot just to cook or just to clean.

If we search for a little more, we will find out that scientists are searching for a way to help teachers in classes.

Now, in my sincere opinion, I didn't know a lot of things about it. Since the population is not aware of the new technology, I think we should stop and stare at what it is in front of our eyes. The fast evolution of it is happening in our days and we can't see how it will create new things and destroy others. There are a lot of advantages and some disadvantages. The main problem will probably be unemployment. That scares everyone because each person needs the essential things to survive - such as access to school, to have food, to be attended in a hospital. However, one of the biggest advantages is the success rate being so high that is quite interesting and peculiar to believe that a human being created it. The modernization is happening and we should accept it if it has more profits then losses.

Briefly, we have to weigh up the pros and cons of Artificial Intelligence. We should compare and be more open-minded to the transformation happening around us.


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