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How the Term "AI" came to be

Although the term “Artificial Intelligence” was first coined in 1956 by John McCarthy on the first ever workshop to focus on the subject, at the Dartmouth College, AI itself had already began to be discussed some time before that with, for example, Alan Turing who created the “Theory of Computation”. Instead of wondering if machines were intelligent, Turing chose instead to raise the question, are machines capable of simulating and showing intelligence? Over the decades Artificial intelligence developed more and more, being used to recreate human logical thinking and also as a tool for the industrial world. In the world of today, when we call a machine artificially intelligent, it means that the machine is capable of perceiving external data through observation, learning from that information and applying it in a way that will be the most beneficial to its purpose, increasing its chance of success at the job it was originally given.

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